of the Archangel Michael in Spain
first Russian Orthodox Church in Spain

Bishop Michail
and Archpriest Vladimir.
November 2002.
is a unique project in that, for the first time in the two thousand
year history of Christianity, the first Russian Orthodox Church is being
built in the very Catholic country of Spain (the only other Orthodox
Churches are a Greek Church in Madrid and a Serbian Church in Barcelona).
On the 21st November 2004, on the new Churchs feast-day, the foundation
stone was laid and the Cross was erected for the first Russian Orthodox
Church in Spain, dedicated to the Archangel Michael.
This was a truly historic event, with the participation of large numbers
of the faithful, representatives of administrative authorities, the
public and the Catholic clergy of the Province of Alicante. The event
was wisely reported in the Spanish press and on television.
About 20,000 emigrants from Russian and CIS countries are registered
on the territory of the province of Alicante (Spain).
In emigration, at all times it is understandable that people who are
cut off from their home, their country, their family, culture and traditions
have a spiritual need to create a Church in order to have contact with
a corner of their own land,
in their own language and receive spiritual joy. In
1997, a small group of Russian Orthodox believers in Spain began the
creation of a Church community in Altea Hills (Altea, Alicante).
2000, the first Russian Orthodox Association was registered with the
administration of the town of Altea.
In 2002, the administration of the town of Altea allocated the community
a plot of land 2000 m2 in area for the construction of a Church. The
plot is situated in one of the most picturesque places of the coast
of the Mediterranean Sea (in the resort area of Costa Blanca) next to
the international motorway going to France and Portugal.
The acquisition of this plot involved great difficulties. By the prayers
of our parishioners, the decision to allocate it for the construction
of the Church of St Michael the Archangel was taken only after we were
given assistance by the great Russian musician, Mstislav Rostropovich.
He is constantly in touch with our community, for which all our parishioners
would like to express their gratitude.
Community took the decision to construct a wooden Church (the design
was made using as a model a XVII century Church in Arkhangelsk Province).
The appearance of this Church is remarkably harmonious, of cruciform
ground plan, with five domes and an octahedral bell-tower. The area
of the Church is 198 m2 and its height 27 m. The architecture and the
material (wood) make it a true symbol of Russia and the Russian Orthodox

December 2003, a high-quality prefabricated wooden kit for
the construction of the Church was ordered from and made by the firm
Okimo-Dom (in the town of Kirov).
material for the domes was manufactured in the town of Volgodonsk by
the specialised firm Grant.
facilitate the decoration of the interior of the Church, all the inner
walls will be covered with plasterboard and then painted with frescoes
according to the canons of the Church.
In July 2004, the community ordered a refectory and Sunday school with
adjacent accommodation for the priest. To ensure the unity of the whole
Church complex, the house is also made of wood (by the firm Okimo-Dom).
(levelling of the ground and removal of earth) has been carried out
on the site. A supporting wall 3-5 m high has been laid from large stones
and pipes and cables have been laid (water supply pipe, drainage, rainwater
drainage, electricity supply).
Drilling work has been performed and reinforced concrete piles driven
in. The foundation and base have been laid from concrete.
Thanks to the invaluable help of the Russian Club of Orthodox Patrons
in the persons of Mr A. Poklonsky and Mr A. Kulik, the community despatched
all the materials mentioned above in 8 containers by railway and by
sea from Russia to the port of Castilion in Spain. All the freight was
received and unloaded on the building site in August.
First Russian Orthodox Church of the Archangel Michael in Spain has
held regular Church services since December 2000. The services are
held in rented premises in the town of Altea (Alicante). The number
of parishioners is growing all the time. Orthodox believers
Russians, Ukrainians, Moldavians, Rumanians, Bulgarians, Armenians,
Serbs etc come to the services from several provinces of Spain (Murcia,
Alicante, Valencia).

was a congregation of about 500 at the Easter service in 2004. People
came from 150-400 km away. The community, the priest, the deacon and
the choir strive to make the arrangement of the interior of the temporary
Church of the Archangel Michael and the spirit of the Church service
comply strictly with the Church observances of the Russian Orthodox
sanctuary with icon-screen (iconostasis) has been made, and in the
premises there are many copies of Orthodox icons which have been painted
in Spain.
Ancient icons of the Kazan Mother of God, the Archangel Michael and
other saints, brought to Spain by a miracle, inspire ineffable spiritual
joy and tears.

The parish is under the pastoral care of a very wise and kind, highly
spiritual priest, Archpriest Vladimir Koryak, the holder of a higher
degree in theology. He has served in the sanctuary of the Russian Orthodox
Church for 55 years.
situation in the parish is stable, and the Church is fully staffed
with clergy: a priest, a deacon, choirmaster, sacristan and choir.
Over the 4 years of Church services 65 people have been baptised and
20 couples married.
Dear fellow-countrymen, Russian Orthodox Christians, we humbly ask
you to take what part you can in the construction, equipment and decoration
of the first Russian Orthodox Church of the Holy Archangel Michael
in Spain. The names of those who have contributed to the construction
and decoration of this holy Church and who have donated to it will
be written forever in letters of gold.
Priest in charge of the Church of the Holy Archangel Michael in
Vladimir Koryak
The Church community
fellow-countrymen, brothers and sisters in Christ. We entreat you graciously
to take what part you can in this great work the construction
of the first Russian Orthodox Church in the land of Spain, for the glory
of God. Since time immemorial, Churches have been built by the whole
community. If you are interested in the spiritual and cultural life
of our Orthodox community, we invite you:
- to look at the site where the Church is being constructed (163 km
on Motorway No. 332; 163 km carretera N-332 Altea (Alicante);
- to hear the project for the equipment and decoration of the Church
drawn up by the Church Council;
- to give your suggestions and remarks about it;
- and, finally, to make what material or other contribution you can
to this work pleasing to God.
where services are currently held:
Iglesia Ortodoxa Rusa
Abda. Comunidad Valenciana 7, local 5
03590, Altea (alicante), Espana
Tel: 00-34-676455381, 646342852, Fax: 966885419
Internet page:
E-mail: |
names will be inscribed on a special plaque and will be remembered in
our prayers forever.
bank account:
Caja de Ahorros del Mediterraneo /CAM/ Internacional de Benidorm
C/Esperanto, 23, Complejo Fuster S.Fco
03503, Benidorm, (Alicante), Espana
No. CTA: 2090-0373-80-0041381348
IBAN: ES 26-2090-0373-80-0041381348 RUSSIAN ORTHODOX
Council of the Orthodox Community of the Holy Archangel Michael in the
town of Altea (Alicante), Spain